WinTopo Pro is a program to convert images to vector data.
By using this program, you will be able to acquire images from a TWAIN source - such as a scanner or a camera - and vectorize them, so that you can use them with CAD or GIS systems. You can also convert into vector data almost any image already saved in your system (TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and BMP are the supported formats).
The process begins by selecting the image you want to convert. You can use WinTopo to edit the image, either before or after the conversion process. You will be able to convert the image to grayscale, and to change its brightness, contrast, gamma, and threshold. You can also apply effects to it, as well as rotate, mirror, and erode it. Finally, you can also add new vectors to the image, or select just a section to work on.
Then you can choose the vectorization method that better fits your needs. The program will scan all the information in the image and will translate that information into vectors that other tools can read and work with. WinTopo Pro can then save it as DXF (for AutoDesk), SHP (ArcView), PDF, MIF, ARC, WMF, ASC, and some other vector file formats. Regrettably, the unregistered version will not let you save any file.